Free Plagiarism Check Option At

Mike Deep • August 3, 2015

Our plagiarism checker is based using credits. Credits are needed to check the documents and obtain additional services. Pricing at is simple and reasonable. It depends on the size of the documents you are checking. In addition, we offer a “Free Plagiarism Check” no-money option for users.

Paid Plagiarism Check

We offer a “Free Plagiarism Check” to our users. All we ask is to spread the word about our plagiarism check software on your social profiles and over the internet.

Once the paper is uploaded, the total price is calculated. Other plagiarism detectors charge transaction fees of up to 8 USD. Our transaction fee is only 0.35 USD per transaction. The Transaction fee is only valid for payments less than 20 USD. You save by buying more credits, initially.

Free Plagiarism Check

We offer a “Free Plagiarism Check” to our users. All we ask is to spread the word about our plagiarism check software on your social profiles and over the internet. Ways to get a free plagiarism check:

  • Email your recommendation of our plagiarism check service to your friends. There is a bar where you can write emails to your friends. (Keep in mind that friends must not register from the same computer (IP,) nor use fake e-mail services (.eg., mailinator).
  • Share on your facebook wall using our FB app. (Your message must be made public ­ so we can verify.) Credits received will depend on how many FB friends you have. Positive comments may yield extra credits.
  • Tweet a message about us using our Twitter app. Credits received are based on the retweets and followers numbers.
  • Google+ about us. Add our link to your link list and write about us. Write your activity toward us. We will review and reward each activity.
  • Blog about us on any platform (e.g., stumble upon, tumblr, wordpress). Email us a link. Blog must be original (not plagiarized). Most important – link to our plagiarism checker.

“Free Plagiarism Check” is only available once, and unavailable for use the second time. We recommend getting free credits at the same time, then applying for credits on “Free Plagiarism Check.” Cheats aren’t an option, ditto for new fake user creation.

When The Document For Plagiarism Check Is Uploaded

Once the document is uploaded, it’s checked. Simply disconnect from plagiarism check or close the browser. You’ll get an email notification. There will be an automatic login link (no need to remember your password — reminders come with notifications). After the plagiarism check is complete, the percentage of plagiarism is provided. It’s recommended for plagiarism check percentage to be less than 5%.