Plagiarism Research And Prevention

Mike Deep • December 20, 2014

Plagiarism has been a longstanding problem in academics, and it is often very difficult to spot. This problem let to some plagiarism research to be started. However, research on algorithms and modern technologies allow teachers to search instantly for plagiarized content, which makes preventing and spotting intellectual replication much easier. Plagiarism checkers such as ours check multiple languages and trillions of sources to give teachers the most accurate information about stolen words that are currently available for use.

Why Plagiarize?

Some scholars estimate that a percentage of all cases of plagiarism are actually unintentional, in that the violators were not particularly knowledgeable about copyright laws or proper citation rules. Although this ignorance is troublesome, it is definitely better than cases of intentional plagiarism and was generally indicative of lesser-educated students.

Institutionalized plagiarism at the scholarly level, on the other hand, generally came from non-American countries that often have less strict guidelines on this type of behavior. This is why it is crucial for papers with multiple languages to check sources that are not in English as well!

Plagiarism Research

Finding out how, when, and why plagiarism occurs is crucial to curbing its prevalence and preventing it from ever reaching publication. Plagiarism research has found that scholars are more likely to copy material when there is high pressure to publish and when English is not the scholars’ native language. This plagiarism research further suggests that plagiarism could be curbed if more people were made aware of new technologies used to detect and prevent plagiarism and if the rules were made more obvious to everyone.

Preventing Plagiarism

Plagiarism checkers such as ours check multiple languages and trillions of sources to give teachers the most accurate information about stolen words that are currently available for use.

Making it known that plagiarism detection software can almost instantly detect instances of plagiarism by scanning millions of articles in many different languages and even checking for paraphrasing should help people understand how difficult it is to get away with copying information. People should also be educated on the properly accepted way to cite information in research papers to prevent unintentional plagiarism as well.

Plagiarism as a Research Field

Because plagiarism is so widespread across the world, the field of preventing its occurrence is becoming more popular every day. Scientists are gathering more data about plagiarism and studying why it occurs and how to prevent it, and hopefully this plagiarism research will eventually lead to a systems where it is virtually impossible for information from one person to be stolen by another. Until then, double-check all papers to make sure to avoid plagiarizing any content!