Plagiarism software

Mike Deep • October 5, 2018

What do you know about plagiarism? Do you deal with it on a daily basis? Are you confronted by the fact that someone else, in a country far far away or even somewhere close to home has stolen your content? Or maybe it is the other way around; perhaps you are afraid that you, yourself could be accused of plagiarism. Lucky for you there is a solution. Free plagiarism checker software for students and also for teachers, lecturers, professors, blog writers and business people. All kinds of plagiarism detection tools are used by universities, colleges, high schools. They are not only entitled but also obligated to detect and report any and all instances of plagiarism. In this post we will discuss how plagiarism software works, the ins and outs of it, why is it worth using it and how can you benefit most from it, amongst other things. So, without further ado, let’s begin!

What is anti-plagiarism software?

A program or a tool that is meant to detect and find copy, piracy, forgery, and plagiarism in papers and text. The appearance and names could differ, but a plagiarism checker or plagiarism software and a few other terms are used to describe the same thing. The software which has the purpose of finding plagiarism.

How does the plagiarism detection software work?

Once again, nuances could differ according to your service provider but, a few things are universal. To find plagiarism, you have to know the original so a database must be present. The plagiarism detection software also has to have the algorithms or ability to read, understand and decipher the content of your paper. If it can do all that, then the effectiveness of any anti-plagiarism software increases dramatically. You upload or show something to the scanner, it reads and analyses. Once it executes the investigation, the document is compared against the database to find likeness, copy and full-on plagiarism. If nothing or something is detected, the results should be displayed to the person who initiated the check.

But really, does plagiarism software work effectively?

Well, Plagramme does and let us explain how. With billions of records, indexed websites and stored articles and documents, we can find plagiarism anywhere in the world. We are an accurate multilingual plagiarism checker software. Along with that large and vast database we mentioned earlier, Plagramme can also scan and analyze in over 120 languages.

You don’t need to download or install Plagramme. Everything is available online. Sign up, log in and start using our plagiarism detection software for free.

The limitations of plagiarism software and how to get the most out of it

Well, every service has its limits. However, in its field of plagiarism detection, there is no one better. If you are looking for the best professional detection software, choose us. No exclusivity here, for both Windows, Mac, etc. operating software users Plagramme is available within just a few clicks. Just set up your account, and you are ready to go. Plagramme user interface is top-notch meaning that everyone regardless of age or IT knowledge will get around fast and easy. Checking is simple. Results comprehensive and not difficult to understand. The help you might need – just around the corner. We’re not just good; we’re the best. The team and the people behind Plagramme are very proud and happy that thousands of users trust us worldwide.

Of course, no algorithm-based plagiarism software can entirely fix your text for you. What needs to be rewritten or changed has to be done manually, mostly. It would be good to call Plagramme plagiarism avoider software because it does not just find, it also helps you avoid publishing, turning in or evaluating fraud and copy. You do not have to buy it. Sign up for the free version and proceed to the paid full version only if you find it to your liking. Other plagiarism software cannot even offer you the same possibility, being able to test it out for free.

What’s the catch with the free plagiarism software?

In reality, there is none. Of course, you have a separation between the free and the paid full version. The latter needs you to top up your account with dollars and cents from your credit card. Once you do that, you can access tons of useful and handy features such as the report, in-depth analysis, additional tutoring, and pdf format report download.

Without a premium account or funds in your mind, the check for thesis, for journals, articles, and other papers is very minimal. You get to see the results with a percentage, but you cannot see viewable sources and from where the information was taken for example. There are also other drawbacks with the free version. Now you still don’t have to buy or purchase our plagiarism checker software to access the premium functions. Simply spread the good word by sharing us on social media!

You get to forget re-submission and worries about being caught with a plagiarism piece.

Can Plagramme read pdf?

No. As of now only .doc and .docx file extensions are approved. You can use free online file format converters to change your file format into one of the mentioned extensions. For both laptop and pc users, this will be easy to do. Once you have a word file, upload it to our site and start the check.

What to do with the plagiarism check results?

It is up to you. If you are a student, it would be best to eradicate all signs of plagiarism before turning in your paper. Anything less than 5% is acceptable but could raise suspicion. Having no more than 0% should be your goal. Don’t worry, with us everything’s discreet. No one will or can ever know what you uploaded or checked without your consent.

For blog writers, high plagiarism risks mean that search engines are going to index and value their content poorly. It is the best time to act, before making the publication. Check for plagiarism, find the weak spots, fix them and only then publish.

For educators, the following actions should follow protocol. Either report plagiarism or find out the root of the situation with the student directly. The same should go for business people – report to legal counseling or the author of the original piece or direct inquiry to your source about the origins of the document.

If any questions arise, send them our way!