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General questions about our plagiarism tool

Uploaded documents are not incorporated into our database without the user’s consent. Please be aware that other plagiarism tools (especially free ones) will incorporate your paper into their database.

No. You can use our plagiarism tool in complete confidence about confidentiality.

No. There are no limits to use our system. On the contrary, we offer the possibility to check documents written in any language, including documents that contain more than one language. Our algorithms are able to find paraphrased matches and good and bad quotations. Read more about our unique features here

Our plagiarism tool is open to everyone.

Our plagiarism detection algorithms detect more – not only copy & paste, but paraphrased plagiarism, as well as good and bad quotations. By this date, we do not know any other plagiarism detection service that combines as many factors into their search as ours does. We don’t incorporate any uploaded papers into our database; users have complete security and confidentiality. We don’t have any restrictions on document uploads. No limited uploads per day, length of paper or long-lasting check. We compare uploaded documents to more than 14 trillion web pages, books, periodicals, articles, student papers, and reports. Ours is the biggest stated comparative base worldwide. Our system has enhanced scoring for the end results.

Plagiarism tool frequently asked questions
Plagiarism tool questions

Plagiarism tool itself

Our plagiarism tool compares every uploaded paper with more than 14 trillion web pages, books, articles, student papers, and other materials. In order to check the paper, you will have to spend credits. You are able to upload a paper of any size (in pages). Once the check has started, your results are ready in a matter of minutes (checking times may vary and in some cases they may take longer than usual.) As soon as the check is complete, you will be able to see:

– similarity and concentration scores.

– a detailed report with highlighted similarities and links to their sources.

Our plagiarism tool compares uploaded documents with more than 14 trillion web pages, books, articles, periodicals, reports, research papers, and student works. This represents the largest database among plagiarism detection services worldwide.

You can upload .docx, .doc, .pdf, .odt, .rtf, .pages formats.

The results

You will receive the following:

Similarity score. This score shows the amount of possibly plagiarized text in comparison to all other text. For example, 50 percent means that half of your document is similar to original papers.

Concentration score. This score shows how much the matches are distributed across the paper. A low score signifies that matches are in small sentences (with a low probability of being plagiarized). A high score alerts that matches are large and most likely plagiarized.

Highlighted matches. The matched text will be colored so it is easier for you to stay focused on the most critical parts of your document.

Original sources. All matches will have links back to their original sources.

There are two ways to deal with plagiarism; either quote and properly cite the plagiarized sentences, or completely remove them from your paper.

We recommend that you do not exceed a similarity score of 5 percent and no more than a one-star concentration score. The reason for this is that in most cases matches up to 5 percent are treated as “technical” (many widely used phrases, for instance, “The United States of America”). If you score more than recommended, make some changes and check your paper again.

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